U&U – 10th edition of the PhD Seminar in Urbanism & Urbanization

10thU&U PhD Seminar, Lille, June 28th-30th 2023

After successful editions in Leuven, Venice, Barcelona, Paris, Delft, Lausanne and Ghent, the next edition of the PhD seminars in urbanism and urbanization will be hosted in Lille, France.

Like previous editions, the seminar seeks to bring together students writing their PhD thesis in urbanism, working within very different disciplinary traditions, combining historical research, design research and different forms of urban research.
The community supporting this seminar series over the years shares an interest in work that tries to speak across the divide between urban studies and the city-making disciplines, seeking to combine the interpretation of the process of urbanization with the commitment and care for the urban condition in all its manifold manifestations, and bring together urban theory and the theoretical grounding of urbanism.

The seminar welcomes all PhD students working in this mixed field. The call for papers of each edition foregrounds a set of themes that will be given special attention. We invite students to respond to these thematic lines, however, papers addressing other themes and concerns will also be taken into consideration.

Beyond metropolization – Exploring new hybrids

The 10th U&U Seminar will question metropolization, as a hegemonic model, which may not correspond to all forms of urbanization, which may be economically unefficient, spatially unfair, and consumes resources linearly. « Exploring new hybrids » is a way of questioning clear-cut categories, through four crucial topics that urbanism and urbanization are facing today :

Axis 1 – Urban & rural – explores the potential of mixed territories (characteristic of the region), in the climatic issues, especially those related to soils (groundwater, food, fertility, short circuits, etc.).

Axis 2 – Crossborders hybridations – studies the modalities of cooperation for projects between politically autonomous but interdependent communities as a living area.

Axis 3 – Hybridizing resources, addresses all the modalities of circular urbanism and in particular how the purpose of the « Zero Net Land Take » law is implemented troughout Europe.

Axis 4 – Hybridizing practices – analyzes hybrid methods of research-action, design-by-research, research-creation, which are increasingly present in the modalities of urban collective action.

Seminar pre-program

Wednesday, June 28th

13h30 – Welcome/registration

14h00 – Parallel PhD Sessions #1

18h30 – Conférence : Sabine Barles (Université Paris 1)  ANNULÉE

19h00 – Welcome cocktail


Thursday, June 29th

8h30 – Visiting Eurometropolis

12h30 – Lunch in kortrijk

14h00 – Parallel PhD Sessions #2

18h30 – Conference : Pierre Caye (CNRS, ENS Ulm)

20h00 – Social dinner in Lille


Friday, June 30th

9h00 – Parallel PhD sessions #3

12h30 – Lunch at ENSAP

13h30 – Round-up : coord. Bénédicte Grosjean (ENSAP Lille)


  • Sabine Barles
    (Re)connection. Which metabolism for which city ?
    Wednesday 28.06.23, 18h30 grand amphithéâtre Bossard, ENSAP de Lille.

Sabine Barles is a professor of urban planning at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a researcher at UMR Géographie-Cités, where she heads the CRIA team. Her research interests range from the history of urban techniques and the urban environment (eighteenth to twenty-first centuries), to urban metabolism, territorial ecology and socio-ecological foresight.
Her recent publications include : Pour la recherche urbaine, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2020 (co-dir. Félix Adisson, Nathalie Blanc, Olivier Coutard, Leïla frouillou, Fanny Rassat) ; Métabolisme et métropole. La métropole lilloise, entre mondialisation et interterritorialité, Paris: Autrement, 2021 (co-dir. Marc Dumont) ; Le métabolisme de l’agglomération parisienne, fascicule #20 du PIREN-Seine, Paris: éd. ARCEAU-IdF, 2021 (dir).

  • Pierre Caye
    Qu’est-ce qu’un développement vraiment durable ? What’s a truly sustainable development ?
    Thursday 29.06.23, 18h30 grand amphithéâtre Bossard, ENSAP de Lille.
    (conférence en français, with simultaneous translation in English)

Pierre Caye, philosopher, is director of research at the CNRS. He founded the international research group « Savoirs artistiques et traités d’art de la Renaissance aux Lumières ».
Former student of the École Normale Supérieure (Ulm), he has been developing for over 30 years research on the knowledge of architecture, urbanism and regional planning, and through these, on the question of technique, renewing thoroughly the genealogy of it, notably in: Durer. Elements pour la transformation du système productif (Belles Lettres, 2020). Other key publications include: Critique de la destruction créatrice. Humanisme et production, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2015; and Morale et chaos. Principes d’un agir sans fondement, Paris, Le Cerf, 2008.

Practical information

– Timing

call for papers December: 16th, 2022

abstract deadline January: 27th 2023 EXTENDED DEADLINE : 03.02.2023

notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2023

full and short papers due: June 1st, 2023

U&U Phd Seminar: June 28-30, 2023

– Contact

mail: UU2023@lille.archi.fr

web: https://www.lille.archi.fr/uu2023/

– Main location

Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille

2, rue Verte – F – 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq


Registrations are closed


Tom Avermaete · ETH Zurich
Sabine Barles · Univ. Paris 1er
Mathieu Berger · UCLouvain
Chiara Cavalieri (co-chair) · UCLouvain
Elena Cogato Lanza · EPFLausanne
Michiel Dehaene · UGhent
Denis Delbaere · ENSAP / ULille
Isabelle Doucet · Chalmers Univ. of Technology
Marc Dumont · ULille
Bénédicte Grosjean (co-chair) · ENSAP / ULille
Carola Hein · TU Delft
Anne Kockelkorn · UGhent
Nikos Katsikis · TU Delft
Gery Leloutre · ULBruxelles
Béatrice Mariolle · ENSAP / ULille
Sébastien Marot · ENSA Paris-Est
Brian McGrath · Parsons NS Design (NY)
Bruno de Meulder · KULeuven
Bruno Notteboom · KULeuven
Kelly Shannon · KULeuven
Adolfo Sotoca · UPCatalunya
Maria Chiara Tosi · IUAVenezia
Els Verbakel · Bezalel AADesign (Jerusalem)
Paola Viganò · EPFLausanne, IUAVenezia

Chiara Cavalieri · UCLouvain
Thaïs Delefortrie · UCLouvain
Lorraine Feugère · LACTH / ENSAP de Lille
Maarten Gheysen · KULeuven
Bénédicte Grosjean · ENSAP – ULille
Roman Lassalle · ENSAPL, UCLouvain
Gery Leloutre – ULBruxelles
Lucas Lersch · UCLouvain


Lorraine Feugère (coord.) · LACTH
Adrien Branswyck · LACTH
Hafid Ait Hifrane
Stéphane Beaudonnet
Anthony Galerneau
Charlotte Siekaniec
Claude G. Moussoki

Wynona Genlot
Héloïse Hamel
Chloé Vergnaud




